Sokrates command-line interface (CLI) includes five commands:

  • init,
  • generateReports,
  • updateConfig,
  • initLandscape, and
  • updateLandscape.

init command

The init command generates a new Sokrates configuration file based on standard source code conventions.

java -jar sokrates-LATEST.jar init [options]
   -srcRoot  <arg>   [OPTIONAL] the path to source code root folder (default is <currentFolder>)
   -confFile <arg>   [OPTIONAL] the path to configuration file (default is "<currentFolder>/_sokrates/config.json")

Figure 1: The init command generates a new Sokrates configuration file based on standard source code conventions.

generateReports command

The generatesReports command generates HTML reports and exports data files.

  java -jar sokrates-LATEST.jar generateReports [options]
         -confFile     <arg>           [OPTIONAL] the path to configuration file (default is "<currentFolder>/_sokrates/config.json")
         -outputFolder <arg>           [OPTIONAL] the folder where reports will be stored (default is "<currentFolder>/_sokrates/reports/")
         -reportAll                    [DEFAULT] generate all reports
         -reportData                   save only data in JSON and text formats (stored in <outputFolder>/data)
         -reportOverview               generate only the report describing the overview of files in scope (stored in <outputFolder>/html/SourceCodeOverview.html)
         -reportDuplication            generate only the duplication report (stored in <outputFolder>/html/Duplication.html)
         -reportLogicalDecomposition   generate only the components logical decomposition report (stored in <outputFolder>/LogicalDecomposition.html)
         -reportFileSize               generate only the file size report (stored in <outputFolder>/html/FileSize.html)
         -reportUnitSize               generate only the unit size report (stored in <outputFolder>/html/UnitSize.html)
         -reportConditionalComplexity  generate only the conditional complexity report (stored in <outputFolder>/html/ConditionalComplexity.html)
         -reportConcerns               generate only the concerns report (stored in <outputFolder>/html/Concerns.html)
         -reportMetrics                generate only the metrics overview report (stored in <outputFolder>/html/Metrics.html)
         -reportControls               generate only the controls report (stored in <outputFolder>/html/Controls.html)
         -reportFindings               generate only the findings report (stored in <outputFolder>/html/Findings.html)
         -internalGraphviz             use internal Graphviz library (by default external dot program is used, you may specify
                                       the external dot path via the system variable GRAPHVIZ_DOT)

Figure 2: The generatesReports command generates HTML reports and exports data files.

updateConfig command

The updateConfig updates a configuration file and completes missing fields. You can also use the updateConfig command to upgrade your configuration file to the latest version.

java -jar sokrates.jar updateConfig [options]
     -confFile <arg>         [OPTIONAL] the path to configuration file (default is "<currentFolder>/_sokrates/config.json"
     -setDescription <arg>   [OPTIONAL] sets a project description
     -setLogoLink <arg>      [OPTIONAL] sets a project logo link
     -setName <arg>          [OPTIONAL] sets a project name
     -skipComplexAnalyses    [OPTIONAL] skips complex analyses (duplication, dependencies, file caching)

Figure 3: The updateConfig updates a configuration file and completes missing fields.

initLandscape command

The initLandscape creates a Sokrates Landscape report and an initial landscape configuration file for landscape analyses.

java -jar sokrates.jar initLandscape [options]
     -analysisRoot <arg>    the path to the root folder of multiple Sokrates projects, scans all subfolders for Sokrates reports and configurations.  The folder where landscape reports will be stored (default is "<currentFolder>/_sokrates_landscape/reports/".
     -confFile     <arg>    [OPTIONAL] the path to landscape configuration file (default is "<currentFolder>/_sokrates_landscape/config.json"

Figure 4: The initLandscape creates a Sokrates Landscape report and an initial landscape configuration file for landscape analyses.

updateLandscape command

The updateLandscape updates a Sokrates Landscape report, adding new and removing non-existent projects without changing other settings in the landscape configuration file.

java -jar sokrates.jar updateLandscape [options]
     -analysisRoot <arg>   the path to the root folder of multiple Sokrates projects, scans all subfolders for Sokrates reports and configurations. The folder where landscape reports will be stored (default is "<currentFolder>/_sokrates_landscape/reports/".
     -confFile     <arg>   [OPTIONAL] the path to landscape configuration file (default is "<currentFolder>/_sokrates_landscape/config.json"

Figure 5: The updateLandscape updates a Sokrates Landscape report, adding new and removing non-existent projects without changing other settings in the landscape configuration file.

Example: A Getting Started Video

See a 5 minutes video on using Sokrates CLI to analyze source code of Sokrates:

Example: Running Sokrates as a Batch Process

The following bash script illustrates a more complex scenario of using multiple commands of the Sokrates CLI.

# remove the temporary analysis folder
rm -rf analysis

# remove the reports folder
rm -rf reports

# create temporary analysis folder
mkdir analysis
mkdir analysis/_sokrates
#create the reports folder
mkdir reports

# copy Sokrates configuration file to the temporary folder
cp config.json analysis/_sokrates

cd analysis

# install the latest version of Sokrates
curl -O

# checkout the code
git clone
mv temp-git-dir/* .
rm -rf temp-git-dir

# run analysis
java -jar -Xmx10g sokrates-LATEST.jar generateReports -reportAll

# copy generated reports to the reports folder
cp -r _sokrates/reports/* ../reports

cd ..
# remove the temporary analysis folder
rm -rf analysis

Figure 5: A bash script illustrating a more complex scenario of the Sokrates command-line interface.